
Revision C 16/01/96
Chapter 4 "Diablo 630" - 3
1. Introduction
In this emulation mode you can drive the printer directly by incorporating control codes and escape
sequences in your program, or alternatively, applications software (for example, your word-processing
software) may send the necessary commands to the printer automatically. Check the manual that came
with your software package for instructions on how to configure your software to run in Diablo 630
2. Emulation details
The following points should be borne in mind when running the printer in Diablo 630 mode.
2.1. Ignored commands
A few Diablo 630 commands have reduced effect, or no effect at all. These commands are as follows: the
BEL control code (ASCII 7) which is used to sound the printer bell, is ignored. The DC1 control code
(ASCII 17), used to disable the printer, is also ignored, as is the Esc \ escape sequence, normally used to
cancel Auto Backward Printing Mode.
2.2 resolution
The resolution of the HL-10h printer is 600 dots per inch. When a line spacing or graphic cannot be
implemented exactly at 600 dots per inch the printer prints the closest possible approximation to the
specified image using 600 dots per inch.