
Revision C 16/01/96
Chapter 4 "Diablo 630" - 17
Clear all horizontal and vertical tabs
Esc2 (27)(50) <1Bh><32h>
This command clears all horizontal and vertical tab stops set with the Esc 1 and Esc – commands.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(50); 'Clear all tabs
5.4. Characters
Set proportional spacing
EscP (27)(80) <1Bh><50h>
This command allows you to turn proportional spacing on. Subsequent text is printed proportionally
If the current font can only be printed monospaced this command has no effect.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(80); 'Turn proportional spacing on
Cancel proportional spacing
EscQ (27)(81) <1Bh><51h>
This command allows you to turn proportional spacing off. Subsequent text is printed monospaced.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(81); 'Turn proportional spacing off
Set bold print mode
EscO (27)(79) <1Bh><4Fh>
This command selects bold characters. Subsequent text on the current line only is printed in bold.
Bold printed characters and shadow printed characters are the same.
You can use bold print mode in conjunction with underline and auto strike-out modes.
Esc &, Esc X and CR (the carriage return code) all cancel bold printing
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(79); 'Enable bold printing
Set double-strike mode
EscF (27)(70) <1Bh><46h>
This command is identical to the Set Bold Print Mode command.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(70); 'Enable bold printing