Mass Deployment Tool User's Guide

Deployment Item Definitions:
Any items that are neither required nor optional are ignored and do not result in an error.
Examples of files used by the mapply command:
- Deployment profile
A CSV file containing the following information:
IP Address,Serial Number,Password,File Path,Package Password,#CONTACT#,#LOCATION#,#AUTO_POWER_OFF#,E75868F7F173334,initpass,C:\tmp\brother.edpk,package1,Brother A,5F,hour8,A99999A7H000511,initpass,C:\tmp\brother.edpk,package1,Brother B,4F,hour4,C25312A1G553212,initpass,C:\tmp\brother.edpk,package1,Brother C,3F,off
Delimiter (“,”) in the above example you can specify a using the “--csvdelim” option.
Item Definition
Serial Number
The serial number of the device.
If the number you type into this field does not match the serial number identified using
the IP Address or Node Name, the “Serial number mismatch error” occurs.
Interface (USB/
Connection Interface.
This is generated by the “exportprofile” command, and is ignored if you use any
command other than the “exportprofile” command with a profile that contains this item.
Its value is “USB” or “NETWORK_IPV4”.
MAC Address/
Vendor ID
MAC address (Network connected devices) or Vendor ID (USB connected devices).
This is generated by the “exportprofile” command, and is ignored if you use any
command other than the “exportprofile” command with a profile that contains this item.
IP Address The device's IP Address.
Node Name/Product ID
The device's Node Name (Network connected devices) or Product ID (USB connected
Protected by password
If a password is set on the devices.
Its value is “TRUE” or “FALSE”.
Password The device administrator password.
File Path The file's path (relative or absolute).
Json Schema
The version of the device's JSON schema.
Its value is a number.
Package Password The password for the file specified in the File Path.
Json File
If the file specified in the File Path is a setting file (JSON, DPK, EDPK).
Its value is “TRUE” or “FALSE”.
Extra LAN Node Name/
Extra WLAN Node
Name/Extra Location/
Extra Contact
The value to rewrite the node name (LAN/WLAN/Location/Contact) in the JSON file.
New Password The new device administrator password.
User Defined Value
You can define a unique value for a certain device by using your own item in
“#XXXXXXX#” format. Any characters except “#” can be used in XXXXXXX.
This allows you to set different values for each device within a single profile.
This also applies to the “--createfileonly” option.