Operation Manual

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1206B-BC 6-27
Chapter 6 Embroidering
Speed Range
Specifies the maximum speeds for respective ranges suitable for the hoop type.
! Actual embroidering speed depends on the pitch.
! Before shipment, "1" is set to the highest speed; "6" is set to the lowest speed.
1. Select [Speed Range] from Settings menu.
2. Specify the desired range.
When a value exceeding the above ranges is entered, it is automatically set to the min. or max. speed.
3. Click [OK].
Head Operation Suspend
Sets the machine head for rest.
! Setting at the machine head has priority.
! When the HEAD switch at the machine head is set to ON and then to OFF, the setting is canceled.
1. Select [Head Operation Suspend] from Settings menu.
2. Click the machine head that needs to be at rest and remove the check mark.
3. Click [OK].
Indicates ranges of
the current setting.
Head o
eration sus