Command Reference Guide for Software Developers

Table Of Contents
Copy ROM character to RAM
Esc:000 (27)(58)(00)(00)(00) <1Bh><3Ah><30h><30h><30h>
In order to use your own customized characters in conjunction with the standard characters contained in the
printer, you must first download the printer standard ROM characters to the printer RAM, then define and
download your own customized characters, and finally select the downloaded characters for printing using
the Esc % 1 NUL escape sequence. This has the effect of inserting your custom characters into the standard
character set in place of the standard characters with the same character codes.
This command enables you to download the printer current character set to its RAM. The printer current
character set consists of whichever combination of international character set and italic or graphic character
table you have selected.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(58); CHR$(0); CHR$(0); CHR$(0); 'Copy printer's
characters to its RAM
6.7. Graphics
Select image mode
Esc*mn1n2<image data> (27)(42)mn1n2.... <1Bh><2Ah>mn1n2....
This command enables you to define and print a single line raster bit image on a single text line at a selected
horizontal resolution.
and n
define the number of bytes that comprise the image.
The image consists of 256*n
bytes of data, each byte representing a single vertical column of 4/30".
m defines the horizontal resolution at which the image will be printed. m must be in the range 0 to 7. A
value of 0 selects 60 dots per inch, 1 and 2 select 120 dots per inch, 3 selects 240 dots per inch, 4 selects 80
dots per inch, 5 selects 72 dots per inch, 6 selects 90 dots per inch and 7 selects 144 dots per inch.
Each byte represents a vertical column of eight dots, the most significant bit representing the dot at the top.
Simply set a bit to 1 if you want a dot to appear in that position, and to 0 if you want white space to appear.
Images are printed left to right.
Images are printed at a horizontal resolution determined by your selection and at an approximate vertical
resolution of 72 dots per inch. The printer attempts to match your chosen horizontal resolution as best it can
using its 600 dpi resolution.
You can only use this command in portrait orientation.
10 WIDTH "LPT1:",255
20 LPRINT "*** ESC * m n1 n2 ***"
30 FOR M=0 TO 6
40 LPRINT "m=";M
60 LPRINT CHR$(27);"*";CHR$(M);CHR$(240);CHR$(0);
70 FOR I=1 TO 8
80 N=2^I-1
90 FOR J=1 TO 30
*** ESC * m n1 n2 ***
Sample 9
Reassign image mode
Esc?cm (27)(63)cm <1Bh><3Fh>cm
This command enables you to redefine the horizontal resolution attached to a particular image mode. Hence,
you could assign a density of 90 dots per inch to the image mode normally associated with 60 dots per inch,
which is selected with the Esc K command. All subsequent Esc K commands would then generate images
with a horizontal density of 90 dots per inch.