Command Reference Guide for Software Developers

Table Of Contents
3.5. Plot Function Instructions
Instruction Function
FT Fill Type
LT Line Type
PW Pen Width
SM Symbol Mode
SP Select Pen
TL Tick Length
XT X Tick
YT Y Tick
PT Pen Thickness
FT - Fill type
FT [ n [, d [, q]]] [;]
n : Fill type
d : Fill interval (interval between the parallel lines of the area being filled)
q : Fill angle (degrees )
Sets the fill type, interval and angle when filling an area.
The value for n is a clamped integer number.
Solid lines (bi-directional fill)
Solid lines (single direction fill)
Parallel lines
The fill interval when n is 1 or 2 is the interval set by the pen thickness (PT) instruction.
Any value given for d when n is 1 or 2 will be ignored.
If d is omitted, the fill interval already specified will be used.
If d is 0, the default value will be used ( 1% of distance from P1 to P2. )
The value of d is a clamped real number.
If q is omitted, the fill angle already specified will be used.
The value of q is a clamped real number.
LT - Line type selection
LT [, n [, p ]] [;]
n ; Line pattern number
p ; Line pattern length (percentage or millimeters of distance between P1 and P2)
Specifies the line type and pattern length.
When the n parameter field is omitted a solid line is selected.
When the p parameter field is omitted the pattern length is 4% of the distance between P1 and P2 (default
value ).
The value of n is a clamped integer number.
The value of p is a clamped real number from 0.0000 to 127.9999.
When p is omitted the previously set line pattern length is used.
Default :Solid line
:For straight line, start and end points are plotted.
:For an arc, plotting takes place for every chord angle that is set.
1 :
2 :
3 :
4 :
5 :
6 :