
Using Operators in Formulas
Notice that percentage Operators describe the type of calculation you want to perform, for
is a form of example, addition or subtraction. The following table shows the operators
muttip/ication, you can use in formulas.
Touse the
operator, click on the
SYM button to open
the On-screen
Operator Description Example
% Percentage A14*22%
" Exponentiation 13"3
* and / Multiplication and division A14*B12
+ and - Addition and subtraction A14+B12
& Concatenation "Rate "&AI&"%"
50+100/2 100
(50 + 100)/2 75
When you use more than one operator in a formula, Spreadsheet performs
the calculations in the order shown in the table above; for example, % t'mst, ^
second, and so forth. If you use more than one operator with the same
priority (like + and -), Spreadsheet performs those calculations from left to
Change the order of calculations by enclosing within parentheses those
expressions you want calculated first. Spreadsheet evaluates expressions
enclosed in parentheses first and then uses those results to calculate the rest
of the formula. The rab.le:at-.the left shows some examples.
Using Built-in Functions in Formulas
Built-in functions perform common calculations automatically. Use them in
formulas to simplify your work. For example, the SUM function totals a group
of numbers, and the NPV function computes the net present value of an
Keywords and arguments
Each built-in function includes a korword like SUM or AVG. Most functions
also require that you specify argument,. Arguments are the values to
calculate, such as the numbers to total using the SUM function.
Spreadsheet 88