
Ifyou mustuse a
number for the chart
title, sedes name, or
categoryname, place
a quotemark (')
before the number so
interpretsit as text.
Chart Tide. The tide of the chart. This label is optional. If you do not place
any text in this cell, the chart will not be tided. You can tide it later using the-
Titles and Legends choice on the Chart menu.
Series Name. The series names are the labels of the spreadsheet columns.
Category Name. The category names are the labels of the spreadsheet rows.
Spreadsheet uses these labels to create legends (see Adding Tides and a
Legend on page 111).
Value. The numeric data values that Spreadsheet charts. Each category you
want to chart should have at least one value for each series. Empty cells in
your spreadsheet will be interpreted as zeros in your chart.
Types of Charts
Spreadsheet lets you create the following types of charts:
X-Y Plot
Column chart
A co/tram obart (or a vertical bar chart) plots each category in a series as a
vertical bar. The height of the bar corresponds to the value of that category_
The illustration at the left shows a typical column chart.
Variations on the standard column chart include the following:
Overlapped. The columns within each category overlap each other
Stacked. The columns within each category are stacked vertically on
top of each other. The height of the stacked column is the sum of the
values in the category.
Spreadsheet 103