
Manipulating Charts
The procedures in this
section explain how to
perform basic
operations with graphic
objects. For more
informa_on about
working with graphic
objects, see the
When you create a chart, it appears with small black boxes around the
perimeter and a diamond-shaped spot in the center. These band/_s indicate
the chart is the currently selected object.
Use the handles to manipulate 'your chart. The diamond-shaped handle in the
center alows you to move the chart, and the other handles allow you to
resize it.
Resizing and Moving a Chart
Hold down SHIFT
while dragging to
maintain the chart's
To resize a chart:
Place the on-screen pointer over one of the handles that surrounds the chart,
click and hold the Select button, and drag. Dragging toward the center of the
chart reduces it, while dragging away from the center enlarges it.
To move a chart:
1. If the chart is not selected, click on the edge of the chart to select it.
Handles appear around the char*frame and the move handle appears in
the center.
Resize ha!_iie_,_, -
(the handles around the edges)
J \
If you move a chart or
graphic image into a
/ocked area, the chart or
image will become locked
ff the move handle is
within the locked area. To
move the chart or image,
unlock the area, move the
chart or image, and then
lock the area again.
You can move the
.chart to any IocaUon in
your spreadsheeL
(thehandleinthe center)
2. Place the pointer over the move handle in the center of the chart. When
the pointer changes to a pair of crossed arrows, hold down the Select
button to grab the chart.
3. Holding the Select button, drag to move the chart to the position you
4. Release the Select button. The chart appears in the new position.
Spreadsheet 109