
Changing Chart Properties and Attributes
Attributes are visual elements such as tone, line thickness, and fill pattern. If
you select a chart and then click one part of it, such as a wedge of a pie
chart, you can change the attributes of that part of the chart.
text items,press
CTRL as you dick.
Youcannot move
any labels that the
chart has generated.
Whgeyou can change
!_ To change text properties in a chart:
1. Select the chart by clicking on it. Handles appear around the chart.
2. Select the text item within the chart that you want to change by clicking
on it. Handles appear on that item to indicate it is selected.
3. Select the text property to change, such as font, style, size, or tone, from
the Properties menu or the Basic Functions tool bar. Spreadsheet applies
the change to the selected text.
thetextproperliesofa_I_To change an attribute of an element in a chart:
legend,you cannot
change the label itself
from thecharL Legend
labelsmust be
changedin the
For moreinformadion
onlegends, see page
1. Select the chart by cricking on it. Hand/es appear around the chart.
2. Select the object within the chart that you want to change by clicking on
it. Handles appear on that object to indicate it is selected. You cannot
move the component parts of the chart or any labels that the chart has
generated, but you can edit text labels using the Text tool.
3. Choose the attribute you want to change from the Graphics menu.
4. Click on Apply.
5. Click on Close.
Deleting a Chart
Dele_,asoappears I_ To delete a chart:
in the Edit menu.
1. If the chart is not selected, click the edge of the chart. Hand/es appear
around the chart frame, and the move handle appears in the center.
2. Press DELETE.
Using a Chart in Another Program
You can place Spreadsheet charts in other programs. For example, you can
use a chart in a report you have created in Word Processing, or in an
illustration you have created in Drawing.
I_ To copy a chart to anothe r program:
1. Select the chart you want to copy by clicking on it. Handles appear
around the chart.
2. Press COPY.
3. Close Spreadsheet. The chart ispasted onto the clipboard.
4. Open the other program and press PASTE. The chart appears.
Spreadsheet 110