
Adding Titles and a Legend
To add titles and legend to a chart:
Select the chart.
Select Titles & Legend from. the Chart menu. A dialog box appears.
Fill in the dialog box, selecting the options you want:
Chart Title. Select this option to add a title to the cha_. Spreadsheet
looks for title text in the upper left of the selected chart range. If
Spreadsheet cannot find any text, a text object with the words "Chart
Title" appears at the top of your chart. You can change the title later.
X-Axis Title. Select this option to add a title to the chart along the
Y-Axis Title. Select this option to add a tide to the chart along the
If you want to use a
number in the first
position of one of these
labels such as the year,
1996, you must convert
the first numedc
character to a
non-numetfc character.
Do this by first typing an
apostrophe (') and then
the nume/ic characters.
Legend. Select this option if your chart shows more than one
category and you want to define the tones or patterns to differentiate
between categories. You can also select its position on the chart:
Horizontal (below chart) and Vertical (at right of chart).
Click on Apply. Spreadsheet adds tbe items you selected to your chart, as
shown in tbe following example:
_ _ . Chartlille
5. Click on Close.
To change text in the chart title or axis titles:
To open the Draw-
ing _ol b_, select
Show Tools from
the Options menu;
then click on
Drawing Tools.
1. Select the Text tool from the Drawing tool bar. Tbepoimer becomes a
crossed 1-beam when you move it over tbe chart.
2. Click on the text object you want to change. The teal object is outlined, the
pointer becomes a angle I-beam, and a vem'cal bar indicates the insert
point for text.
3. Press BACKSPACE and DELETE to remove text you do not want, or
highlight the unwanted text and press DELETE.
Spreadsheet 111