
Word Processing
Before starting, review
these basic procedures
from the Getting Started
chapter in Book 1:
Working with Documents
Saving Documents
Working with Menus
Working with Dialog Boxes
This chapter explains how to create almost any type of document. It also
explains how to write a form letter and merge it with names and addresses
from Addressbook or Spreadsheet.
Word Processing Tips
Toselect(or dick on)
an item,p/ace the
on-screen pointer on
the item; then clickon
the Select button or
tap once on the
buttonona mouse)
For word wrap to work properly, press ENTER only at the end of a
paragraph, never at the end of every line. If you press ENTER at the
end of every line, and later change something, the words will not
wrap smoothly.
Use TAB rather than the SPACEBAR to align text. If you use TAB to
set the spacing between text, then you can Simply change the
measurement of the tab space to change the location of a column.
Type only one space after a period or colon. When using a
typewriter,_you enter two spaces after a period or colon because of
--the spacing-o'_e typ_ewdtet:characters.
Use italic style text rather than underline for book tides. Typewriters
do not have italic font style available, so your only option is to
underline book tides. Word Processing provides italic and bold type
styles and other typographical features of typeset printing.
Since an en dash (-) and em dash (--) are available on the symbols
keyboard, use them rather than multiple hyphens. (See Using Special
Characters and Symbols on page 12.)
Use bullets for denoting lists such as this list of tips. (See Using
Special Characters and Symbols on page 12.)
You can undo almost anything. The most important thing to
remember about undoing a mistake is that you can undo only the
last action.
Word Processing 1