
Locking Titles
Lock Tides in the View menu locks specific rows or columns of a page
on-screen as tides. When you scroll the page, the tides remain fixed
on-screen while the rows below (or to the right) scroll as usual.
To lock titles on-screen:
When moving ei_er a
chart or a graphic image
into a locked area, the
locked rows will not be
automatical¥ redrawn.
The unlocked areas
automatical¥ refresh as
you move the chart or
graphic. For the locked
areas, click on the
Redraw button to see
what it looks like after the
1. Scroll the spreadsheet so the column(s) or row(s) wanted as tides are
visible in the upper left comer of the window. You cannot adjust the
position of the titles after they are locked.
2. Select the appropriate cell location.
To lock rows, sdect the row (or a single row of horizontal ceils)
below the last row to be locked.
To lock columns, select the column (or a single column of vertical
cells) to the right of the last column to be locked.
To lock rows and columns at the same time, select the top left cell of
the area you want to remain scrollable.
Select Lock Titles from the View menu.
If only rows are to be locked, a black horizontal line is drawn below
the last locked row.
Once titles are locked,
select Unlock Tales to
release any locked
-rows_ and/or colurt_s..--
If only columns are to be locked, a black vertical line is drawn to the
right of the last locked column.
- If-both rows-arid-"eolumns are locked, two black lines are draw,:% one
in each 6f the positions described above. Locked tides appear above
and to the left of black lines drawn on the cell borders.
To unlock titles on-screen:
Follow the same steps for locking tides, but select Unlock Tides from the
View menu.
Using Spreadsheet with Other Programs
You can use information from your spreadsheet in other programs. For
example, you can copy a range of cells to a Word Processing document.
Once you have pasted your information, you can add borders and other
visual enhancements with the tools.
Spreadsheet 118