
Scale to Fit on One Page. Select this option if you want to reduce
your spreadsheet to fit on a single page. If your spreadsheet is too
large, it may be reduced so much that you cannot read it.
Continuous Printing. Use this option ff you want your spreadsheet
printed as one long continuous page. If you print on single sheets,
you can tape the sheets together.
Center Horizontally. Use this option to center the printed
spreadsheet on the page.
Center Vertically. Use this option to center the printed spreadsheet
on the page•
Print Grid Lines. Select this option if you want grid lines to appear
on your printed spreadsheet. (To get an idea of how the spreadsheet
looks, select Other Settings from the Options menu; then click on
Draw Grid Lines. Grid lines are on by default.)
If you specify a header or
footer and do not check
these print options, your
printed spreadsheet v_ll not
have headers and footers.
* Print Row & Column Titles. Use this option ff you want the row
and column references to print on each page of your spreadsheet.
* Print Header. Use this option if you want to have headers printed
on the pages of your spreadsheet. You can specify headers using
Header/Footer from the Cell menu.
Print Footer. Use this option if you want to have footers printed on
the pages of your spreadsheet. You can specify footers using
Header/Footer from the Cell menu.
Click on Close.
Printing and Faxing Spreadsheets and Charts
ff you have
specified manual
calculation (see
page 101), select
Calculate Now from
the Options menu
to recalculate your
spreadsheet before
ptfnting it.
A_so,be sure to
printing or faxingit.
Before printing for the first time, you must select basic printer settings. See
Setting Printer Options in Getting Started (Book 1).
If you have not sent a fax before, review the Fax and Data Modem chapter in
Book 1.
II_ To print:
1. Press PRINT. A submenu appears.
2. Select Print. A dialog box appears.
3. Fill in the box and click on Print. Your spreadsbeet prints. If you have
created a chart and selected Pn'nt Graphics, the chart prints as part of the
spreadsheet, just as you see it on the screen.
Spreadsheet 120