
10. Click on Done. The dialog box disappeam. 1"beExport Document dialog
box remains.
11. Click on Export.
12. Name the document and press ENTER. After a few seconds, the
information mcpom.
Spreadsheet will
analyzethe document
to sea if it can be
ff the #sts in the dialog box
am emp_, make sure-you
selected a file in step 4.
l_ To import a Spreadsheet document from Lotus 1-2-3 or
Comma Separated Value forrnat:
1. Select New/Open from the File menu. 1"beNew/Open dialog box appears.
2. Insert the diskette that contains the file to import and click on Import. A
dialog box appears.
3. From the left column, select the file you want to import.
4. From the right column, select the file format of the file you are importing
and click on Import. Tim file format appears as an extension in the File
5. In the File Mask box, enter a name for the file; then click on Import.
l)_To change the order of columns when importing:
1. Select New/Open from the File menu. The New/Open dialog box appears.
2. Insert the diskette that contains the file to import and click on Import. A
dialog box appears.
3. From the left column, select the file you want to import.
4. From the right column, select the format (Comma Separated Format or
dBase IV). . _ _-
5. Clicff-ori Map.Imp6_ Fieldsl Tbe Map Import fields dialog box appea_.
In this dialog box, tbe Source List shows tbe field names of the incoming
file. The Destination List shows the names of the fields (Column1,
Column2, Column3, and so forth).
6. Click on Field 1 in the Source List.
7. Click on the column you want for Field 1 in the Destination List.
8. Click on Map. Tbe field pair appears in the Map List. (You can select a field
pair in the Map List and click on Unmap to break the link between
mapped pairs.)
9. Continue designating pairs until you have specified all the fields you want
to map. If you leave any source field unpaired, it will not be imported
from the database.
10. Click on Import. The inf_ from the imIxrrt file appears in a
Spreadsheet window.
11. Click on Done.
Spreadsheet 123