
Bitmap Tools
Cut tooL Cuts a selected object from your drawing.
Copy tool. Copies an object to the clipboard.
Paste tool. Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the insertion
Select All tool. Selects all graphics and text in a documenL Black
handles appear around all items.
Delete tool. Removes selected graphics or text.
Frame tool. Creates a frame into which you can place bitmap
Selection tool. Selects all or part of an object to copy, cut, or
paste. .-
Brush tool. Allows you to draw lines.
Eraser tooL Removes lines and drawings.
_] Bitmap Line tool. Draws a straight line in a bitmap. A bitmap
uses tiny dots to form an object.
Bitmap Rectangle tool. Draws a bitmap rectangle.
Bitmap Ellipse tool. Draws an bitmap ellipse.
Fill tool. Fills an area with a tone.
Pixd View tool. Allows you to view individual pixels. You can
use the other bitmap tools above. For example, to change the
tone of individual pixels, select a line tone, the brush tool, and
click on pixels you want to change.
Drawing 127