
To shade an object:
1. Select one or more graphic objects to shade.
2. Click on the Area Shading tool. A horizontalpop-up menu appears. The
option fim'tbest to the lej_ is 100% shading while the option farthest to the
night is 0%, the same as an unfilled object.
3. Select the shading you want. ,Drawing applies the area shading.
To fill an object with a pattern:
1. Select one or more graphic objects to fill with a pattern,
2. Click on the Area Pattern tool. A hon'zomalpop-up menu appears.
3. Select the pattern you want. Drawing applies the area pattern.
To change an object's tone or pattern using the Attributes
1. Select the object(s). Handles appear around the object(s).
2. Select Area Attributes from the Attributes menu. A diedog box appears.
3. Select the tone or pattern, from the palette in the dialog box.
4. Click on Apply.
5. Click on Close.
Use background tone TO use a background tone:
when youwant to use
tone under your pattern
or shaded tone. It will
show through. - _'_-
r--- 5.
1. Click on the objea. Handles appear around tbegrapbic.
2. Select Background Tone from the Attributes menu. A dialog box appears.
- 3. Select-the toneorthe background.
4. Click on Draw Background.
Click on Apply. The background cbamges tone and will show underneath
the area attn'bute shade or pattern.
Drawing 138