
Rotating Objects
To rotate an object, use the Rotate tool or select Rotate from the Transform
menu, where you can select the exact degree of rotation.
The selected object rotates around its center point You can also select
multiple objects, and they will rotate around their respective center points. If
you want multiple objects to rotate around a common center point, you must
fhst group them (see page 148).
)_ To rotate an object with the Rotate tool:
To rotate the selected
object in 45 ° increments,
hold the SHIFT key
down while dragging the
You can also use
keyboard shortcutsto
rotate objects. To rotate
the selected object
press[. Torotate it
press SHIFT+ [.
1. Select the object you want to rotate. Handles appear around the object.
2. Select the Rotate tool on the Drawing tool bar. Thepointer changes to a
cunmd arrow when you move it over the drawing area.
3. Place the tip of the arrow on one of the handles surrounding the selected
object. The pointer changes to crossed arrows.
4. Grab the handle by clicking and holding down the Select button. The
handles disappear.
5. While holding down the Select button, drag clockwise or
counter-clockwise until the object is in the position you want. A dotted
outline shows the position of the object as you rotate it.
6. Release the Select button. The o_ect appears in its new position with
handles around it.
- _--]):Torotate an object/'-i__th the menu:
7o rotateit clockwise .....
150,press ]. To rotate it 1. Select the objeh(s) you want to rotate.
clockvdse1°,press _ 2. Select Rotate from the Transform menu.
SHIFT+ ]. -
3. Enter the amount of rotation you want from -359 ° to +359 °.
Click on Rotate. The selected object rotates around its cent_point. If you
selected multiple objects, Drawing mates each around its center point.
Drawing 142