
Shortcut: Press D to
duplicate the selected
object(s); press P to
duplicate the selected
object(s) in place.
I_ To duplicate an object:
1. Select the object you want to duplicate. Handles appear around the object.
2. Select Duplicate from the Edit menu. The copo_d object appears with
bandies around it. You can use the move bandle on the duplicate to move
tbe object.
)_To custom duplicate an object:
1. Select one or more objects that you want to custom duplicate.
2. Select Duplicate from the Edit menu. A d_/og box appeam:
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Fill in-the dialog box-?
# of Duplicates. Select the number of duplicates.
* Rotate. Select the number of degrees to incrementally rotate each
Scale. Select the scale percentage to incrementally resize each
Move. Select the vertical and horizontal distance to incrementally
move each duplicate.
Skew. Select the number of left/right and upward/downward degrees
to skew each duplicate.
Click on Duplicate. Drawing duplicates the selected objects using the
options you specified.
Click on Close.
Drawing 144