
Arranging Objects
The Arrange menu provides several ways of controlling placement of objects
in your drawing.
Moving objects to the Front or Back
Whenever two or more objects ovedap, you can place one of the objects
, behind the others or you can place it in front.
I_ To move an object to the front or back:
Moving an objectone 2.
layer is useful when
you cannot see objects
in the layers of a stack _b. To
of objects.Select an
object that is visible 1.
and move it back one 2.
layerat a O'metosee
the objectthat is
immediatelybehind it
Select the object you want to move to the front or back.
Select either Bring to Front or Send to Back from the Arrange menu. The
objects are rearranged accordingly.
pull an object forward or push it back one layer:
Select the object you want to pull forward or push back.
Select either Pull Forward or Push Back from the Arrange menu. The object
is moved accordingly.
Moving Objects.
Objects that you place
outside the print
border (the dotted line
near the perimeter of
the drawing area) will
not appear when you
When you create objects, you can move them around your drawing as you
--like., This section describes how to move objects in a drawing.
To help you gauge the position of your objects relative to the total drawing
area, use the rulers along the top and left side of the drawing.
You can also move objects vertically and horizontally using exact distances.
I_ To move an object:
1. Select the object to move. Handles appear around the object.
2. Move the pointer over the diamond shaped move handle in the center of
the object. When the pointer changes to a pair of crossed arrows, hold
down the Select button to grab the object.
3. Drag the object to the position you want. Asyou drag, an outline of tbe
object follows your motion, indicating where the object will be placed when
you release the Select button.
4. Release the Select button. The object appears in its new position.
Drawing 146