
Using Grids
Drawing can position objects using the grids, snapping objects into place for
you automatically. The grid is a pattern of evenly-spaced vertical and
horizontal lines that help you align and size objects in a drawing. You can
also change the spacing of the grid.
You can also automatically snap (or position) objects along grid lines when
you create them. Snapping objects to the grid is often faster and more
accurate than positioning them manually with the on-screen pointer.
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Drawing can
align objects to
the grid even if
the grid is
_l_ To show or hide the grid:
1. Select Grids from the Options menu. A dialog box appears. If Snap to Gn'd
is selected in this dialog box, Drawing aligns o_'ects to the grid.
2. Select Show Grid to show the grid.
Deselect Show Grid to hide the grid.
3. Click on Apply.
4. Click on Close.
I_ To set the grid spacing:
1. Select Grids from the Optiom menu. A dialog box appears.
Whenyou change the
unitsof measure for the
grid,you v_llfindit
helpfulto change the
unitson the ruleralso.
See page 150.
2. Select the units of measure (Inches, Centimeters, Points, or Picas) ff you
want. By default, the units of measure are the same as the ruler se_'ng.
3. Select the distance between grid lines.
4. Click on Apply.
5. Click on Close.
Drawing 151