
Using Scrapbook Documents
Scrapbook is a place to store graphic objects and bits of text so that they are
available for pasting into documents. You can also delete graphic objects and
text from your default scrapbook or any other scrapbook document.
You can also navigate through a scrapbook document and name a page of
scraps, so you can find items easily.
Placing and Deleting Clip Art and Other Scraps
You can place dip art, scraps of text, or other graphics into a Scrapbook
document. The clip art is provided on diskette.
Clip art isin T1Fformat.
To place clip art:
I. Insert the diskette containing the clip art
2. Select Import Scrap from the File menu. The Import Scrap dialog box
3. From the left, select the name of the file you want to import, and from the
right, select the format, either No Idea or TIE
4. Click on Import.
CopyandPaste_so_ I_To €opy f=rom another program to Scrapbook:
_ppear in the Edit ---.'- .....
When you paste an item- °_2.
from another program
into your scrapbook, 3.
you automatically add a 4.
new page to the
ff you want to insert
the scrap on another
page, clickon
Previousor Next.
Within a progdam, select the item and press COPY. It is now temporarily
stored on the clipboard.
Close the program.
Open Scrapbook.
Press PASTE. The scrap appears on a new page in front of the current page.
This pushes all subsequent scraps back one page.
Select Paste at End from the Edit menu. Thescrap ispastedon the lastpage
of the scrapbook.
Scrapbook 168