
Thissampledocumentis setup
with2 columns,0.25inch spacing
betweencolumns,anda vertical
Theverticalruleis 2
Working with Text
This section explains how to enter, move, copy, and edit text. It also
describes how to insert characters and symbols, change text style and format,
use tone in text, and search for and replace text.
-Entering Text.
Toswitch in and
out of Insert mode,
click on the Insert
button at the
bottom left comer
of the screen, INS
(INS is selected by
The recommended method for entering text described in this manual is called
Insert mode, in which typed characters push all existing characters to the
Insert mode is recommended because you will not lose any text as you type.
If you want typed characters to replace the characters to the right of the
insertion point, turn the Insert mode off.
Word wrap means that you do not have to press ENTER (the Return key on
a typewriter) to start a new line of text. As you type, the words appear in the
text area. As words reach the end of a line, they automatically continue on
the next line.
The in.,erti.on poim is the b"linking vertical line that shows where typed
characters appear on the screen. On a blank page, the insertion point appears
in the upper left comer. As you type, the insertion point moves to the right,
appearing after the last word. To make changes to something you have
already typed, move the insertion point anywhere in the text. You cannot
move the insertion point to an area where there is no text unless you use
Word Processing 7