
Searching through Cards
Addressbook allows you to search all the cards. For example, you can search
the cards to fred those containing a spedfic address.
l_ To search for information on the cards:
1. Select Find from the Utilities menu. A dia/og box appez_:
Selector deselectthese [ ] Find
optionstospecifyfieldsin I[ind: [e(Jmin
whichthe searchwilloccur._ [Search Index Field And: I"11kldresses 0 Ilotes n Phone Humbers
Removeallthreecheck [
By tumingoff some of
thecheck boxes in
the Finddalog box,
you can disable
searchingin one or
more fields. The index
fieldcannot be
2. Fill in the dialog box, typing the text you want to search for in the Find
field, and choosing the options you want.
3. Click on Find Next. Addre.mbook shows tbe first card containing the
specified text. The text is selected in the displayed card. If the text was
found in the Notes box, the Notes box opens and the text is highlighted. If
there is no match for the specified text, Addressbook informs you that no
match was found.
4, Click,_oO Find Nextkag_'m if you wafit to search for more matching entries.
Then click on Close.
Click on Find Previous to perform the search backwards.
Addressbook 179