
Curreat record - Address only. This option prints the address
currently on screen for labels and envelopes.
When you select
envelope, the paper size
and feed options change
to correspond to the type
of envelope your printer
can prinL
All records - Addresses and phone numbers. This option prints a
list of the index fields, addresses, and phone numbers from all cards
in your Addressbook.
All records - Address_ only. This option prints the addresses from
all cards in your Addressbook for labels and envelopes.
All records - Phone numbers only. This option prints a list of only
the index fields and phone numbers from all cards in your
Print Notes. When checked, this option prints the notes associated
with your cards. The notes are insetted between the addresses and
phone numbers in the printed list.
Click on Print. If you are lrn'nting either with the All records - Addresses
and pbone numbers option, or with the All records. Phone numbers only
option, a list of the items you specified prints. Notes are inserted in the list if
you are printing with the Print Notes option.
If you are tra'nting with the Current record option, the information from
the card currently on screen prints.
To print envelopes and labels:
- I. Open the Addrec_book_you Want to print.
2. Select Send from the File menu, A submenu appears.
3. Select Print. The Print dialog box appears.
4. Select Options. The Options dialog box appears_
5. Select envelope or label from Type of Paper; then select the size from Size
of Paper.
6. Click on OK. If you click on Save Options, the printer is set to print on
this paper type and size until you come back and change the settings. The
Options dialog box closes.
7. In the Print dialog box, click on Current record, Address only (for
labels/envelopes) or All records, Addresses only (for labels/envelopes). If
you select All records to print envelopes, Addressbook prints the first
envelope, then prompts you to insert paper (an envelope) between Fa'ming
each record.
To fax an Addressbook document:
1. Open the Addressbook you want to fax.
2. Select Send from the File menu. A submenu appears.
3. Select Fax. A dialog box appears.
Addressbook 181