
4. Select fax options and click on Fax.
Importing a Document
You can import documents, such as mailing lists, from some database and
Spreadsheet programs and turn them into Addressbooks. You can import the
CSV (Comma Separated Values)
Lotus 1-2-3
dBase IV
If you are importing a
document and do not
know the format, select
No idea, and
Addressbook will
analyze it to see flit
can be imported.
Whenyou importor
exportin CSV or
dBase IV format,
creates fieldnames
(Field1, Field2,
Field& etc.), which
correspondto the
to change the order
of those fields.
To import an address file:
1. Insert the diskette containing the file to import.
2. Save and close the current Addressbook. The New/Open dialog box
3. Select Import. A dia/og box appears.
4. Select the file format from the right. Thefile aa'tension appears in the File
Mask box, and only documents with that extension are displayed in the file
5. Select the drive and document to import from the left.
6. Click on Import. . -_-
To change the-order of information when importing:
.... 1. Insert the diskette containing the file to import.
2. Save and close the current Addressbook. The New/Open dialog box
3. Select Import. A dialog box appears.
4. Select Comma Separated Values or dBase IV from the formats list and
select the document to import; then click on Map Import Fields. The Map
Import Fields dialog box appears:
Addressbook 182