
Mapping allows you to
change the order of
information as you export.
For example, if you want
the Address field to be the
first field in the exported
documen_ select
Addr_Field from the
Source List and Field 1
from the Destination Ust.
i_ To export an Addressbook:
1. With the Addressbook document open, select Other from the File menu. A
submenu appears.
2. Select Export Document from the submenu. A dialog box appears.
3. Select the format for export. The file _xtension appears in the File Mask
box, and only documents with that extension are displayed in the file
4. Select a folder to save the document to; then name the document.
5. Click on Export.
i_ To change the order of information when exporting:
1. Select Other from the File menu. A submenu appears.
2. Select Export Document. A dudog box appears.
3. Select Comma Separated Values or dBase IV from the formats list.
4. Select the document to export; then click on Map Export Fields. The Map
Extxxn Fields dialog box appears:
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5. Select one field in the Source List and one corresponding field in the
Destination List to correlate the field information from the Addressbook to
the new fde format. For example, you can map the Addressbook address
field to Field 3.
6. Click on Map.
7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have mapped all the fields you want. Select
from the Map List and click on Unmap to change any map pairs you have
designated incorrectly.
8. When you have mapped all the fields you want, click on Done. The
dialog box reappears.
9. Click on Export. A message appears telling you that the export is in
progress. If the file is very k_rge, it could take several minutes to export. You
cannot interrupt this process.
Addressbook 184