
AbOut this Manual
In this manual, Book 2, look for information on these desktop publishing,
personal planning, and electronic accessory programs:
Word Processing. Creates,edits, ,and prints documents, such as
memos, letters, and reports.
Spreadsheet. Creates and edits Spreadsheet documents, performs
calculations, and creates charts.
Drawing. Creates graphics by drawing and painting, or by importing
and editing.
Scrapbook. Stores a graphic or piece of text for placing in a Word
Processing, Spreadsheet, or Drawing document. Also allows you to
place' clip art, which is supplied on diskette.
Addressbook. Stores names and addresses and other information for
reference, including email addresses.
Planner. Schedules appointments on a perpetual calendar.
Book Reader. Opens books on screen.
Text File Editor. Creates and edits DOS text files. This program is on
i Games. Solitaire and Turnabout are on diskette.
This manual assumes you are familiar with the basics of using programs such
as opening and saving documents and working with menus. If not, see
Getting Started in Book 1 for basic information.
In Book 1 you will also find instructions on using File Manager to organize
your documents; sending email; browsing the World Wide Web; and using
the Function Key accessories: Calculator, World Clock, and To Do List.