
!l_To go to another page:
You can also select a
page to go tofrom the
Basic Functions tool
Select Go to Page from the View menu. If your document has more than one
page, tbe page you select appears, lf your document begins on a page other
than I (you can set it up this way in Page Setup), Go to Page will still see the
first page as page 1.
Tosplit an existing
paragraph into two,
place the insertion
point where you
want the split and
press ENTER.
l_ To correct as you type:
Press BACKSPACE to erase characters to the lej_ of the insertion point.
Press DELETE to erase characters to the right of the insertion point.
To start a new paragraph:
Press ENTER. The insertion point moves to the lej_ margin of the next line.
To place the insertion point M the text:
Position the insertion point in the text and press the Select button. You can
type in the text.
._, To select text:
- 1. Move _inserti_-p-6in'_o the beginning of the word, line, or paragraph
you want to select.
2. Hold the Select button and drag across the text until what you want is
selected; then release the button.
Click the Select button at the beginning of the text, hold down SHIFT,
and click at the end of the text.
Use these methods for selecting text: . o
This Does This
2 clicks Selects a word (but not the space after the word)
3 clicks Selects a line
To select additional words, lines, or paragraphs, on the last click, hold down
the Select button as you drag.
Word Processing 8