
Changing a Scheduled Event
You can change the scheduled time for an event or the details in its
When you change the I_ To change a scheduled event:
time of a scheduled
event, it does oot
change its place
among the other
times in the Event
window until you view
events for another
day, For instance, ff
you change a 9:00
appointment to 11:00,
the event remains in
its original slot
between 8:00 and
10:00 until you view
events for another
day. The next time
you view these
events, the 11:00
event will be properly
1. In the Events window, locate the event you want to change.
2. If you want to change the time, click in the time area. Delete the existing
time and type a new time in HH:MM formal Use AM or PM to specify AM
or PM,For example, you can type 8:15 AM for a new time.
3. If you want to change the description, select the text in the description
area, and then type the new information.
4. If at any point you realize that you made a change you wish you had not,
select Undo from the Edit menu before you do any other task.
Removing a Scheduled Event
_ - _--_To remove a schedD!ed event: _-
Ifyou accidentally I. In the Events window, click on the event you want to remove.
delete the wrong
event, select Undo ...... 2. Select Delete Event from the Edit menu. The event is removed from the
from the Edit menu Events window. If there are no more events scheduled for that day, tbe
before you do any mangle is removed from the Calendar window.
other task.
Adding Events between Two Scheduled Events
There may be times when you need to squeeze in one more appointment
between two existing ones. For example," if you have meetings scheduled for
11:00 and 11:30, you can schedule another meeting for 11:15 even though
there is no 11:15 slot currently shown.
_ To add an event between two scheduled events:
1. In the Events window, select a time slot after which you want to fit another
2. Select New Event from the Edit menu. The new event appears with its time
highlighted. Planner picks a time halfway between tbe preceding event and
the next one.
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