
2. Click on New. Another dialog box appears:
s_pec_ry t_,
Chun_ aepeeU. 0 Ewt
Type of [_ent-
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Event 141flOccur
Select _Detj(s)_ n Sun Plon n Tuns Ned [] Thu 0 Frl 17Set
DOLlof [_onth: _ LaSt Date: [] _ Month: _
Day of I_k: IFirst J_'-_ _ _ Time=. I ]
General Information.
_l_Foreuer OFrolrnt I I TmL J
A monthly by date
event occurs every
month on the same
day, such as the first or
the fifteenth of every
month. A yearly by
date event occurs
otace a year on the
same date, such as a
birthday or a holiday.
3. Select Weekly. .......
4. Select the check boxes for the day or days that your weekly event occurs.
5. If you want to give the .event a specific time, type the time in the Tune
box. Use the HH:MM format and type AMor PM.
6. Type a brief description of the event in the Event box.
7. Select Forever if your event should repeat indefinitely.
OR °_"_ ._ " _,
Select From if'your event is of limited duration and should repeat only over
a specific time period. Edit the start and end dates.
8. Click on OK. The original dialog box appears.
9. Click on Close. The weekly repeating event appears in the Events window at
the time and day you selected.
)_ To schedule a monthly or a yearly event by date:
1. Select Repeating Events from the Utilities menu. A dialog box appears.
2. Click on New. Another dialog box appears.
3. Select Monthly if you are scheduling a monthly event by date.
Select Yearly if you are scheduling a yeady event by date.
4. Select Date.
5. Select Last if your event occurs on the last day of the month.
Select Date, and then type the date of your event. You can also use the up
or down arrows to change the date.
Planner 194