
Creating New Calendars
Planner provides a standard document called My Schedule. Whenever you start
Planner, this document opens, making it easy to keep all of your appointments
in one place. If you keep just one calendar, you should use this document. You
can create other calendars. For example, you may f'md it easier to keep business
contacts in one calendar and friends and family in another.
Before you create a
new calendar, press
SAVE to save the
current one.
II_ To create a new Calendar document:
1. Select Close from the File menu. The New/Open dialog box appears. If you
have unsaved changes in the current calendar, you are asked if you wish to
save or discard them.
2. Click on New. A new calendar appears.
3. You must add one or more events to the new calendar before you can save
it and give it a name. An easy way to do this is to select New Event from
the Edit menu.
4. After adding an event, select Save As from the File menu. A dialog box
5. Select the folder in which you would like to save the new document.
6. Type a name for the document in the New Name area; then click on Save.
The new Calendar document is saved with the name you provided. You are
returned to Planner with this document open.
Planner _1_