
Changing the Scoring
Solitaire has the following scoring options:
Standard ('rimed) and Standard (LMtimed). In Standard (Timed),
you lose points for the time you spend deciding where to move a
card. In Standard (Untimed), you are not penalized for taking time to
make decisions. Standard (Timed) and Standard (Untimed) games are
scored as shown in the following table:
Let 10 seconds pass.
Move a card to one of the
four upper stacks.
Flip a card in the lower
Move a card from the dis-
card deck to one of the low-
er stacks.
Start through the discard
deck again (one-card draw).
Start through the discard
deck again (two-card draw).
deck_again (three-card
-1 point
+10 points
+5 points
+5 points
-30 the first two times; -60, -90,
and so on, each time thereafter
-20 the first three times; -40, -60,
and so on, each time thereafter
-10 the first four times; -20, -30,
land so on, each time thereafter
Vegas. Your game starts when you choose Re-Deal from the Game
menu. You start each Vegas game already 52 points in the hole, and
for each re-deal you lose another 52 points. For each card you
successfully move to an upper stack, you receive five points. Points
are cumulative from game to game. You are also limited to how many
times you can go through the discard deck: only once with one-card
draw; twice with two-card draw; and three times with three-card
Countdown. You play against the clock. Your goal is to score as
many points as possible in 7 minutes. You can change the allotted
time using the Set Countdown Time option in the Options menu. For
more information about changing your Solitaire options, see page
214, Changing Other Options.
No Scoring. You play the game until you win or are ready to stop.
You do not receive any points, nor are you penalized any points. In
addition, elapsed time is not shown when you choose No Scoring.
Games 213