
Function Description
SIN (cost;salvage,h'fe)
SYD (cost, salvage, h'fe,
TERM (payments,
interesg future value)
Straight-line depreciation. Cost is the initial cost of the asset. Sa/vaooe is the
value of the asset at the end of the time period. Life is the useful life of the asset,
the number of time periods the asset is being depreciated.
Accelerated depredation of an asset, using the sum of yem"s digits method.
Cost is the initial cost of the asset. Salt_oe is the value of the asset at the end of
the time period. Iafe is the useful life of the asset, the number of time periods
the asset is being depreciated. Penbd is the period to analyze.
Required number of terms or payment periods to reach a future value.
Payments are made at the end of each term and earn a constant interest rate.
Payments is the amount of the periodic payments. Interest is the interest rate for
the investment per time period. Future_value is the value of the annuity at the
end of the investment period. Be careful to enter the interest rate for the same
time pen'od as the term.
Information Functions
The information functions return information about a cell or a range of cells.
cI oosE
_ valuel, value2,._.)
Returns the n th value in the list of arguments, where the first value is 0 and index
indicate&_ the n th valu_:_Valt_e carrbe flor_ 0 to n-1. You can use as many v_tues as
you want. lnde:_ and values can be numbers, cell references, defined names,
formulas, functions, or text. For example, if the values are the months of the year and
the index is 5, then CHOOSE returns May. This function returns an error if your
index is less than zero or greater than the number of values.
COLS (range) Returns the number of columms in a range.
COUNT (valuel, The number of arguments, that is, the number of nonblank cells in a range. Values
value2,...) can be numbers, null, logical values, and dates. The arguments can only be a
comma-separated list.
ERR 0 Causes the formula to return the #ERROR# message. Particularly useful with IF
functions to say: if the condition is false, then return #ERROR#. You must include the
empty parentheses.
Appendix 217