
Mathematical Functions
The arguments for mathematical functions are either numbers or addresses of
cells that contain numbers. The results of these calculations are always
ABS (value)
£XP (mluO
Absolute value of a number. Value can be a cell. For example, ABS(-12) returns 12.
Value of e (the mathematical constant) raised to the power of yaks. Vahw is a
positive integer. If va/ue has a fractional portion, FACT calculates the factorial for the
integer portion of value. For example, EXP(2) retmaxs 7. 389506 or e z.
FACT (value) Factorial of a number (value). For example, FACT(4) returns 24.
INT (value) Value rounded to the next lowest integer. Vahae can be a positive or negative
number, or a reference to a cell that contains a number.
LN (vahte) Natural logarithm of value, using the constant e as a base. LN is the inverse of EXP.
Value must be a positive number. For example, LN(2) returns 0.693147.
LOG (value) Base 10 logarithm of va/ue. Value must be a positive number. For example,
LOG(100) returns 2.
MOD (value, divisor) Modulus, the remainder of the division of value by divisor. If you attempt to divide
.... _ MOD returns an_ er_o_..-_ - _ by zero, _
PRODUCT (valuel, Product of multiplication of a list of numbers (values). You can have as many
value2,...) . arguments as you want. Value can be numbers or references.
ROUND (valu_ value rounded to the specified number of decimal places. For example,
p/aces) ROUND(12.2376) returns 12.24.
SQRT (value) Square root of a va/ue, va/ue must be a positive number.
SUM (valuel, Total of a list of va/ues. You can use as many arguments as you want.
TRUNC (value) The integer portion (without rounding) of a value. For example, TRUNC(23.66)
returns 23.
Appendix 222