
STDP (valuel,
VAR (valuel,
VARP (valuel,
Standard deviation of a population. You can use as many t_dues as you want.
Simple variance of a sample population. You can use as many arguments as you
Population variance of the values in a list. You can use as many arguments as you
String Functions , , ,
A string is a series of characters. The string functions extract text (including
numbers) or return numbers based on text.
To enter a string as an argument, enclose it in double quotation marks. If the
text string itself contains quotation marks, use single quotation marks inside
the string; for example, "Enter the word 'vanilla' in the second blank." Stags
can be up to 255 characters long (including quotation marks). If you want to
specify a string with no characters, enter .... to specify empty text.
cHAR (value)
CLEAN (string)
CODE (string)
EXACT (stringl,
FIND (substring,
-w string, start)
Converts a code ammimr to a- character. Each text character is represented by a
code number. The CHAR string function converts code numbers to characters. You
can use values between 1 and 255. The function of CHAR 0 is the opposite of
CODE 0. If the value is out of the 32-255 range, CHAR returns a #VALUE# error. For
example, CHAR(65) returns A.
Strips unprintable characters from a string. Useful for removing nonprintable
characters fTom imported text. For example, CLEAN(CHAR(13)&"text') returns text.
Converts a character to its code number. Each text character is represented by a
code number. The CODE string function converts characters to code numbers. For
example, CODEC'A" ) returns 65.
Compares two strings for an exact match. EXACT is case sensitive, meaning that
April and april are not considered an exact match. Ifstn'ngl and string2 match,
EXACT returns 1; ffthey do not match, EXACT returns 0. lts action is similar to the
equal sign except the equal sign is not case-sensitive. This is particularly useful with
IF statements.
Starches within a string for a specific string. Returns the numeric position of the
first character of the substn'ng. You can specif7 the numeric position of the starting
character for the search with the start argument. The first character in the string is in
position 0.
Appendix 224