
continuous printing - a Spreadsheet printing option that allows you to print a spreadsheet as
one continuous page
control keys - the keyboard keys that modify the effect of the other keys. CODE, MENU &
SHIFT are control keys.
- Comma Separated Values format used in database and spreadsheet programs
data bits - the smallest piece of information that a computer can process
data file - a file created by an application
defaialt setting - a system setting that is automatically applied unless you change it. For example,
you may want to change the defauk setting of 10 point text to 24 point.
directory - a folder
disk drive - the slot on the side of the unit in which diskettes are inserted
diskette - a 3.5" square disk. Diskettes can be used to run programs or store documents and data.
Diskettes must be formatted unless you purchase them pre-formatted.
document - also called a file, is a holding place for information, containing text and/or graphics.
A document is stored as a file and has its own icon consisting of the application icon over
three blank sheets of paper.
DOS - Disk Operating System, computer software that controls the basic functions of a computer
do-not pointer - one of the shapes of the pointer. It indicates that the pointer is not in an area of
the screen where you can take any action.
Drag button - the bottom button on a glidepad or right button on a mouse used to move an item
on the screen. For example, to move tex_o a new location, select the text, hold down the
Drag button, and move the on-scneen pointer to the new location
dragging - moving the on-screen pointer across the screen. With a mouse, drag by moving the
mouse; on a-glidepad, drag by sliding your finger or top of your.fingernail across the glidepad
draw mode - a screen display option for the Drawing application
dual documents - working in two documents at the same time
duplex - when using a modem, the ability to send and receive data at the same time
emulate - to act like; to resemble
executable file - a type of file that allows you to execute or start a program
extension - the three letters that follow the name of a file in DOS format, describing the file
modlem - communicates with other fax or data modems and fax machines
field - a place for entering a certain type of information, for example, a blank within a dialog box
or a cell within a Spreadsheet document.
file - a saved document
_.file mask - a way to see only the Ides of a certain type, filtering out files of other types
Glossary 230