
pica - 1/6 of an inch or 12 points
pie chart - a round chart that represents values as pieces of a pie
pinning a menu - keeping a pull-down menu on the screen
pixd - the smallest dot on the monitor screen
pixd view tool - a bitmap tool that allows you to see and change individual pixels
place holder text - text that appeam in templates showing you what kind of information to put into
your doctunent
pointer - the arrow appearing on the screen that is moved with the mouse
point - a measurement used in the printing industry equal to 1/72 of an inch
polygon - a figure with at least 3 sides
portrm't layout - a page layout in which the page is taller than it is wide. Also called vertical
proportional spacing - each letter takes up an amount of space proportional to the size of the
protocol - a set of rules
radio button - a type of menu button that allows for only one choice to be turned on at a time
radius - half of the diameter of a circle or ellipse; the distance from the center to the edge of a
RAM - (random access memory) stores information for the on-screen display and for routine tasks
such as opening a submenu -- -_ _ _
range - a group of cells in a spreadsheet
read-only - a type of file or diskette that can be opened, but not changed
redraw - for recreating or updating the image on the screen so that all of the text and graphics
are accurate
reference mark - the character, usually a number, used to match the text reference with its
relative reference - a reference to a cell address based on its location relative to the cell
containing a formula
release - an edition of an application designated by a number such as 5.1 or 5.2
resolution - the sharpness of an image measured in dpi (dots per inch) on printed matter or ppi
(pixels per inch) on a monitor screen
row header - the numbers that label each row in a spreadsheet
scale to fit - an option that allows you to see the whole page in the application window
script - in Communication, a fde you create to perform a task such as dialing a phone number
scientific notation - a way of expressing large numbers by using powers of 10, such as 3 x 103
scroll bar - a bar containing arrows and a sliding marker, allowing you to scroll through your document
Glossary 234