
transform - a submenu item that contains the options flip, rotate, skew, and scale
tmformatted diskette - a diskette that has not been prepared for saving documents.
uniform resource locator (url) - the address of a document (web page) on the Intemet's World
Wide Web
user dictiottary - a special dictionary that you create with terms not found in a dictionary
valu_ - numbers entered in a spreadsheet
vertical scroll bar - allows you to easily move up and down the display window by using the
pointer to drag the box in the scroll bar or click on the arrow controls
view at % - allows you to see your document at a selected percentage of its normal size
web page - a document on the Wodd Wide Web
wildcal'd - a symbol (* or ?) that substitutes for an unknown character when searching for a
word. Wildcards make certain word searches more efficient.
window - a boxed-in area of the screen in which you are creating or editing a document.
Windows have a title bar and menu bar across the top.
word wrap - a feature allowing words that cannot fit on one line of text to automatically be
placed on the next line
wrapping text - a feature that allows you to place text around graphic objects in several ways
XMODEM - a protocol (set of rules or standards) used in data transmissions that controls data to
be sent or received, and resends a file if a problem occurs while sending
x-y plot chart - a type of chart that evaluates one number against another, sometimes called a
e_ po_T_
scatt * _ _
zooming in/out - to change your pe_'spective so that you can either see your work in greater
detail or see.more of the page
Glossary 236