
Finding and Replacing Text
Use Find and Replace to quickly find a word or phrase in your document
and, ff you like, to replace it with a different word or phrase. You can also
replace all occurrences of a word or phrase in a document.
Searching for text
Find and Replace also
appears in the Ec_t
menu and on the
Advanced FuncOons
Type exactly what you
want to find without any
extra spaces or
You can search for any sequence of numbers, letters, spaces, and other
printable characters (such as punctuation marks).
)_ To search for text:
1. Press CTRL + F. A dialog box appears.
2. Type the text you want to search for.
3. Click on either Find Next or Find Previous. Word Processing starts the
search from the insertion point forward or backward.
If Word Processing finds a match, it highlights the text in the
document. Stop the search here or click on Find Next or Find
Previous to resume the search for another match.
For forward searches, if Word Processing reaches the end of the
document, it starts searching from the beginning. For backward
searches, if Word Processing reaches the beginning of the document,
it starts searching from the end. If Word Processing cannot find the
search text in the document, a message appears. Click on OK to close
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Click on Close.
Replacing text
You can replace any search text with different text.
To replace text:
1. Press CTRL + F. a dialog box appears.
2. Type the text you want to search for.
3. Enter the text that will replace the search text.
4. Click on Find Next or Find Previous. Word Processing starts the search
from the insertion point fommwd or backward. If Word Processing finds a
match, it highlights the text in the document. You have the folloua'ng
Replace one occurrence of the selected text. To do this, click on
Replace. Stop the search here or click on Find Next to continue
Word Processing 1;