
Replace all occurrences of the search text with the replacement text.
To do this, click on Replace All. A dialog box appears asking if you
want to rep/ace a/! occurrences. Click on Yes to continue or No to
Replace in Selection is the same as Replace All, except that it replaces
all occurrences only within selected text.
5. Click on Close.
Using wildcards and special characters
You can use two wildcards and all special formatting characters when you
search and replace text. A wadcard is a symbol that substitutes for a single
character (?.)or a series of characters (*).
For example, to f'md any word that begins with the word math, use the
Multiple Characters wildcard in your search text (math*).
You can also search and replace special eAMme_$ in your document:
graphics, special text, tabs, carriage returns, and page breaks.
)_ To use wildcards and special characters:
1. Press CTRL + F. The Find and Replace dialog box appears.
2. Click on Special Characters. A drop-down list appears:
I_pla¢o _ _'rm
_ciuJ Characters m] FI!gnore Case/P.ccents [] Hatch Portiol biot'sts
[R- Hatch AnyCharacter
- Graphic or Special Text
_1- Tob
QI- Cardoge Return
O- _oo Brt_t
3. Select the wildcard(s) and special character(s) you want to search for:
Match Multiple Characters. Matches text where the beginning or
end of the text might vary (such as professor and professional).
Match/my Character. Matches text where one or more characters
might vary (such as arise and arose).
Word Processing 18