
Tab Type. Select the alignment of the text at the tab setting (Left,
Center, Right, or Decimal). For example, use a decimal tab to align.
columns of numbers along the decimal point.
Tab Leader. Select the character that precedes the tab setting (None,
Dot, Line, or Bullet).
Vertical Line. This bption puts a vertical line at the tab position that
spans the height of the paragraph. You can set the shading, line
width, and line spacing.
Click on Apply. The tab is applied to selected paragrapbs.
Click on Close.
To change a tab:
1. Select one or more paragraphs you want to change.
2. Select Tabs from the Paragraph menu. The Tabs dialog box appears.
3. Select the tab you want to change in the Tabs list.
4. Fill in the rest of the dialog box, selecting the options you want.
5. Click on Apply.
6. Click on Close.
To delete a tab:
1. Select Tabs from the Paragraph menu. The Tabs dialog box appears.
_ 2. Select the_ tab-you _ant to-delete m the Tabs list. ,,,
3. Click on Delete Tab or drag it off the ruler. Word Processing deletes the tab
and shifts the text to the next tab.
Click on Delete Every Tab. Word Processing deletes all tabs, restores the
default tabs for selected paragraphs, and a_'usts the text if necessary.
To set the default tabs:
1. Select one or more paragraphs you want tO change.
2. Select Default Tabs from the Paragraph menu. A dialog box appears.
3. Select a default tab (None, Centimeter, Half Inch, or One Inch).
Set a custom default tab.
4. Click on Apply.
5. Click on Close.
Word Processing 23