
4. Fill in the dialog box, selecting the options you want:
% Shaded. Select the percent shading for the border tone. The lower
the number, the more faded the tone. A setting of zero (0) causes the
border to disappear. By default, this setting is 100.
Tone Tools. Select the border tone from the tone palette.
Pattern. Select the pattet:n for the border tone. By default, this
setting is solid. A transparent pattern is also available on this palette.
5. Click on Apply. (Continue to make changes as desired until you are
satisfied with the borde_.)
6. Click on Close.
Setting Hyphenation
Word Processing
hyphenates only b_ose
words that appear in its
If hyphenation is active (by default, it is not active), a word extending
beyond the right margin is split between syllables. Word Processing inserts a
hyphen (-) and line break and wraps the rest of the word to the next line.
Word Processing provides hyphenation settings that you can change. Note
that some hyphenation can make a document easier to read, while too much
hyphenation can make words harder to recognize and make the page look
I_ To change hyphenation:
_---- 1. Select one or more paragraphs with the hyphenation you want to change.
2. Select Hy----phenation_fi_m'_e Paragraph menu. A dk_gog box appears.
3. Fill in the dialog box:
On or Off. Select On to allow automatic hyphenation and to set
other options on the dialog box (Off is the default selection).
Maximum consecutive lines to hyphenate. Restricts the total
number of lines that can be hyphenated.
Shortest word to hyphenate. Limits the hyphenation to words of a
certain length.
Shortest prefix. Sets the length of the shortest prefLx to hyphenate,
such as pre in prefix.
Shortest suffix. Sets the length of the shortest sufftx to hyphenate,
such as ing in hyphenating.
4. Click on Apply.
5. Click on Close.
Word Processing 26