
Using Headers and Footers
A header contains anything (text, graphics, or both) that you want to appear
at the top of every page. Likewise, a.footer contains anything you want to
appear at the bottom. Here are some of the things you can put in headers
and footers:
Page numbering
Date the document was created or printed
Tide or file name of the document
Your name or the name of your department, business, or school
Chapter or section title
Graphics, such as a logo or design
Whenyou importa
document the
footersfrom the
source document
donot appear in
the Word
Header and footer information is optional and can contain text formatting
(such as bold tex 0 and multiple lines of text.
To set up a header or a footer:
1. Select Edit Header from the Layout menu. A page appears with the
insertion point in the upper-left corner of the header area.
Select Edit Footer-frOm the+Layout menu. A page appears with the :nsertion
point in the-upper-left corner of the footer area.
Insertionpointfora header __
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Page numbering
__.comes from the
staaJng page
number you entered
jn the Page Setup
dialog box.
Enter the header or footer information. Or use the following buttons to
insert standard information that gets updated automatically:
Page Number. Click to put the page number at the insertion point.
Word Processing 27