
Using Master Pages to Design Documents
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Use master pages to specify information that repeats on each page of a
document. For example, you might want a logo to appear on every page.
The maatarpage is a prototype of how text and graphics appear on every
page. The master page defines the header and footer, the area where the
body text appears on a page, and graphics (such as a logo) that repeat on
every page. The illustration at the left shows a typical master page designed
with three columns.
When you add a page, Word Processing uses the layout and information in
the master page to create the new page. Once created, you can change the
document to suit your needs without affecting the master page.
If you specify two pages in Page Setup (left and right), the document will
have two master pages: one for the left and one for the right.
Editing the master page
To change the format
of an individual page
in your document, do
not use a master
page. Instead, reduce
yourdocumentto _I_ TO edit the master page:
Scale to Fit in the ......
View menu; use the
pointer from the
Drawing tools; and
select and resize
header, footer, or
main body region.
This can be useful
when you want the
margins of a
particular page to be
different from the rest
of the documenL
When you edit the master page, Word Processing updates every page in the
document with any changes you have made. For example, if you change the
footer, Word Processing applies that change on every page.
- 1. Select Edit Master Page-_ffom _e Layout menu. The masterpage appears:
Page Ntmaber. Click on this button to put the page number at the
insertion point.
Date of Printing. Click on this button to put the date of printing at
the insertion point.
Word Processing 36