
Redraw I)ooanent. Click on this button to refresh the screen and
implement any changes you have made.
2. Make your changes to the master page. The changesyou can make
Adding any text or graphics you want to the header or the footer.
Resizing or moving the text region for the header, footer, or body text
(including columns).
3. When you are finished, click on Close. Word Processing updates all
affected pages with any changes you have made.
Changing text regions on the master page
The text region defines where text flows on the page. You can move and
resize the text region for the header, footer, and body text on a master page.
You might want to do this, for example, to set a custom width for columns
on a page. When you set the number of columns in Page Setup, Word
Processing calculates the column width for you. To adjust the width or
position of these columns, edit the master page.
To select a text region:
- Pointertool _
i I i i
' I
Handk, show that
"thetext region is
selected. Once se-
lected, you can
move or resize iL
1. Select Scale to Fit from the View menu. Tbepage is scaled doum.
2. Open the Drawing tool bar from the Show Tools submenu of the Options
menu, This tooL bai:_'_pears on the left of the screen. ,,
3. Select the Pointer tool./'be insem'onpoint becomes an arrow.
4. Point the tip of the arrow to a border of the text region (header, footer, or
body text), and click the Select button. Handles appear along the border of
the text region to indicate that it is selected.
To deselect a text region:
Point anywhere outside or inside the border of the text region and click. The
handles disappear
To change the size of a text region:
1. Select the text region you want to resize.
2. Point to any handle, hold down the Select button, and drag the handle
until the text region becomes the size you want.
3. Release the Select button.
Word Processing 37