
,To delete a graphic frame:
1. Select the graphic frame you want to delete.
2. Press DELETE.
To_nagraphicfrarno.,To set area attributes for a frame:
set the area attributes.
To a_ust the border of
a frame, set He line
1. Select the graphic frame.
2. Select Area Attributes from the Graphics menu. A dia/og box appears.
3. If Filled is not selected, click on it; then select the Area Attributes you
4. Click on Apply; then click on Close.
,To set line attributes for a frame:
1. Select the graphic frame.
2. Select Line Attributes from the Graphics menu. A dialog box appears.
3. If Filled is not selected, click on it; then select the line attributes you want.
4. Click on Apply; then click on Close.
Using Grids
You can position graphics using the grids, snapping objects into place for you
automatically. The grid is a pattern of evenly-spaced vertical and horizontal
lines that help you a!ign and size objects. You can also change the spacing of
the grids-
You can also automatically snap (or position) objects along grid lines when
you create them. Snapping objects to the grid is often faster and more
accurate than positioning them manually.
,To show or hide the grid:
1. Select Grids from the Layout menu. A dialog box appears. If Snap to Grid
is selected in this dialog box, Word Processing aligns objects to the grid.
2. Select Show Grid to show the grid.
Deselect Show Grid to hide the grid.
3. Click on Apply.
4. Click on Close.
Word Processing 41