
Finishing Your Document
This section explains how to put the finishing touches on your document:
footnotes, a table of contents, and a bibliography.
Afootnote is a reference or explanation that appears at the bottom of the
, page or in a footnote section at the end. A footnote typically cites an author
or publication or clarifies a point.
A footnote has two parts: a reference mark in the body and the
accompanying footnote itself, which usually appears at the bottom on the
same page.
The footnote contains a L___............
matching reference mark. -- -,
The text is the referent, com_ or explanaUon.
Typically, footnotes are numbered sequentially. If you use numbers for your
reference mark, you must update the numbering sequence manually. A
footnote remains on the page on which you added iL If the text with the
reference mark moves to a different page, you must manually move the
footnote to the new page. For these reasons, it is best to add footnotes
(starting from the front of the documen 0 when your document is nearly
I_ To create a reference mark:
1. Select Scale to Fit from the View menu, if necessary.
2. Place the insertion point behind the footnote text.
3. Type the symbol or number of the footnote reference.
4. Select Styles from the Character menu. A submenu appears.
5. Select Superscript. Word Processing displays the footnote reference in a
superscript format.
Word Processing 46