
Setting up the Merge Fields
ff appmpKate, consider
using these field
names in Spreadsheet.
That way, you can copy
merge data easily
between both
The merge document is created in Word Processing, and it contains text,
graphics, formatting, and page layout. It also contains merge fields (for
names, addresses, etc.) that correspond to the information in the data
document. The merge fields have field names, which must match exactly the
field names used in the source data document. These fields are case-sensitive,
meaning they must match uppercase and lowercase exactly. For example, a
merge field with the name Home.Address will not match homeAddress.
Addressbook requires that you use the following field names exactly as they
appear in the merge field (including underscores):
Field Name
Index Field
Addr Field
Note Field
- iP.hone5
Phone 6
Phone __7
Name of person, company, or other sorted information.
Address information.
Notes box.
Home phone number.
Office phone number.
Car phone number.
Fax phone number.
Addition_ phone number.
._d_tonalphone number.
Additional phone number.
To add merge fields in a Word Processing document:
1. Place the insertion point where you want the merge field to appear. (It can
appear on a line by itself or embedded in other text.)
2. Press CTRL + MENU + k A double-left bracket appears (<<).
(This identifies the start of the merge field.)
3. Type the field name exactly as it appears in the list on page 54.
4. Press CTRL + MENU + SHIFT + _ A double-right bracket appears (>>).
(This identifies the end of the merge field.)
5. If you want, select the character formatting (such as style, size, tone, and
so on) for the field.
Word Processing 54