
Using Abbreviated Phrases
Thephrase cannot
be longer than 64
Use Abbreviated Phrase to quickly insert long phrases into your Woed
Processing documents. For example, if you commonly use the phrase Chief
Executive Officer, put it in the abbreviated phrase list with the abbreviation
ceo. Then, whenever you want to inse_ the long phrase in the document, just
type ceo, press CTRL + X, and Chief Executive Officer will appear. Note: if
you capitalize the abbreviation in the Abbreviated Phrase dialog box, you
must also capitalize it when you type it in the document.
ll_ To create, add to, or edit the abbreviated phrase list:
1. Select Abbreviated Phrase from the Character menu. The Abbretdated
Phrase dia/og box _.
2. Click on Add. The Add Abbreuiatk_ dia/og box appears.
3. Type the abbreviation in the Abbreviation box (example:. cc_).
4. Type the phrase in the Phrase box (example: chief executive officer).
5. Click on Apply. Your abbreviated phrase appears in the Abbreviated
Phrase dialog box.
6. To edit any abbreviated phrase or abbreviation, select it and dick on Edit.
7. Make your changes in the Edit Abbreviation dialog box and dick on
8. To save your abbreviated phrase list, click on Save. Your//st is
automatically saved as ABBREV.
),.To use an abbrevia_d phrase:
1. In your document, type the abbreviation that you entered in the
Abbreviated Phrase dialog box.
2. Press CTRL + X to automatically enter the long phrase.
l_ To delete an abbreviation:
1. Select Abbreviated Phrase from the Character menu. The Abbreviated
Phrase dia/og box appears.
2. Select the abbreviated phrase to delete and click on Delete. Then click on
To delete all, click on Delete All. Them dick on Close.
Word Processing 59